PAL Meetings

Recognizing the need to support our community in the wake and devastation of the national drug crisis, PAL meetings or “Parents of Addicted Loved Ones”, are on Monday nights from 6:30 − 8 p.m. at Carmel Christian Church, located at 463 East Main St., Carmel, IN (the church is directly across the street from the High School).

The meetings are held once a week and are free of charge. The meetings are facilitated by a trained volunteer, Mike Hay.

PAL meetings are open to anyone, as our primary goal is to provide hope through education and support for parents dealing with addicted loved ones. The focus is on parents with an addicted child.  Spouses are also welcome. The meetings are for those over the age of 18.  No exceptions will be made for anyone under 18.

The guiding principles of PAL are confidentiality, respect, acceptance, and support. Differences of opinion are embraced without judgments. We needn’t blame ourselves for not knowing what to do about an addicted loved one. There are no prep courses, no way to know exactly what to expect before it happens. But there is a curriculum for recovery.

If we learn it, if we follow it, it works. There is HOPE. And it comes from educating ourselves. When we focus on educating ourselves rather than changing the person who is using, it takes a lot of the pressure off everyone involved.

For more information visit